Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

3rd to 6th mOntH miLeStoNeS

Here's a summary of ZaC's milestones from 3 to 6 months. It's amazing how much he grew and developed through these months.

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

cOmpLaiN kiNg

Here's Zac babbling away using "ba" and "ma". Can you guess what he is complaining about?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

cHeCk oUt ZaC's nEw stUnT

Zac has been practising hard his new "stunt" these days. He is attempting to stand with the support of any furniture near him. After a week of practising, he succeeded! He loves doing his "stunt" inside his cot, using his rocker and the coffee table. Daddy & Mummy are busy keeping an eye on him as he will suddenly let go and fall backwards (esp. inside his cot). He only knows how to stand but not the other part of getting back down yet.

bOtAk bOy aGaiN!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

ZaC's fiRst SwiMmiNg sEsSiOn

Zac had his first swimming session last weekend. At first, he was frightened when Daddy carried him into the baby pool. But after he has 'warmed up' to his new surrounding, he started splashing the water happily with his hands. Zac looks so adorable in his pair of swim nappy too!

Monday, September 15, 2008

6.5 mOntHs sTatS

Zac went to the polyclinic for his jab. He has grown again. Soon Mummy will find it hard to carry him for long periods of time. Besides physical developments, Zac's communication skills are expanding rapidly too. He started babbling, squealing and making bubbling sounds. When he babbles, he goes "ba" & "ma" which sounds like him calling Daddy & Mummy but he doesn't know the meaning.

加油, 智安!

Zac has been practising his crawl everyday and now he can use both his arms to support himself while crawling forward. At least now Daddy & Mummy won't be afraid he'll hurt himself whenever he heaves himself forward, landing on his chest. Now he's starting to hold onto furniture to support himself to stand.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

aCtiVe ZaC

After succes with flipping over and crawling backwards, Zac was soon learning to crawl forward. When he's excited and wants to move forward fast, he uses both arms to heave himself forward, landing on his chest. Miraculously, he don't feel any pain. He especially loves carpets, magazines and newspapers and will try all means and ways just to reach them.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

hAnkiE oN hEaD

When Zac was younger, his finger co-ordination was not fully developed. Now, he can grab and hold tiny objects, passing them from one hand to the other. In the past when we placed his hankie on his head, there was no reaction from him. But when he turned 5 months old, he was able to use his fingers to take the hankie off his head. Seeing him develop and grow each day brings much joy to us!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

ZaC's fiRst tAste Of fOoD

ZaC had his first taste of food last week. He has been eager to taste whatever Daddy and Mummy is having for our meals. So when the first spoonful of cereal was offered to him, he was really excited and opened his mouth WIDE! After his first spoonful, he wanted more and even tried to grab the spoon with his hand. He has also tried brown rice cereal and strained apple. Mummy will be introducing him to more fruits, porridge and vegetable soon. ZaC will surely love them!