Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 28, 2010

33 mOntHs

ZaC turns 33 months! He is accepting the Chinese langauge and is more willing to converse in it now. In the past, he used to tell Mummy to speak in English whenever Mummy speaks to him in Mandarin. He is also beginning to be aware of other's feeling. E.g when Mummy scolds him, he will ask,"Do you like me?" He also notices if someone is feeling angry or sad. Although he is toilet-trained for the day, he still wears diapers at night. But he has been waking up in the middle of the night asking to go to the toilet to pee. Soon, he might not need his diapers anymore! He knows how ask for things now when we go window shopping. Mummy has to keep reminding him to say "Can I .........?" rather than "I want ..........!". He says "Thank you" automatically now. Having good manners is very important, Daddy & Mummy wants ZaC to be a polite and respectful boy.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

ReAdiNg aLoUd

ZaC loves listening to Mummy read books from the library. For every batch, he'll love one or two books which he listens to every night. Here is ZaC trying to read the book on his own. He remembers some of the words from each page.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

LeaRniNg tHe aLpHaBet

In end September, Mummy started teaching ZaC the letters in the alphabet. This book is one of the ways ZaC learns the alphabet. He also watches the Sesame Street Alphabet Jungle DVD & read many books on the alphabet from the library. Within a month, ZaC is able to recognise all the letters. However, they are just symbols to him. To add some meaning to these symbols, Mummy is going through the alphabet again - focusing on one letter each week. There will be crafts, games and books to teach ZaC more about each letter. Last week, ZaC completed learning more about the letter L. He loves the craft projects!