Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010

cHriStmAs 2010

We were all still tired from our Phuket trip, so we didn't take many pictures along Orchard road this year. It also started to drizzle halfway. Nevertheless, ZaC enjoyed watching people sing Christmas carols as he recognised some of the songs.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

ZaC in sChOoL part II

On ZaC's last day at his previous school, Teacher Erika passed us a folder on what he did over the past 6 months. On top of this, she also emailed us many photos of him in school. The teachers were sad to see him leave and he also loved his friends and teachers there.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

PrOjEct T - ChRistMaS tReE

ZaC was learning about the letter T. So Mummy made a turtle and Christmas tree with him. He needed lots of assistance but completed the project till the end. He enjoyed decorating the tree with star stickers and colourful pom poms. Now, the tiny Christmas tree sits proudly on the TV console.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


When ZaC was learning about letter E, he got to peel a quail egg. Mummy was amazed he can be gentle - peeling off the shell without squashing the egg. After his 'hard work', he got to eat the egg as a reward!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

33 mOntHs

ZaC turns 33 months! He is accepting the Chinese langauge and is more willing to converse in it now. In the past, he used to tell Mummy to speak in English whenever Mummy speaks to him in Mandarin. He is also beginning to be aware of other's feeling. E.g when Mummy scolds him, he will ask,"Do you like me?" He also notices if someone is feeling angry or sad. Although he is toilet-trained for the day, he still wears diapers at night. But he has been waking up in the middle of the night asking to go to the toilet to pee. Soon, he might not need his diapers anymore! He knows how ask for things now when we go window shopping. Mummy has to keep reminding him to say "Can I .........?" rather than "I want ..........!". He says "Thank you" automatically now. Having good manners is very important, Daddy & Mummy wants ZaC to be a polite and respectful boy.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

ReAdiNg aLoUd

ZaC loves listening to Mummy read books from the library. For every batch, he'll love one or two books which he listens to every night. Here is ZaC trying to read the book on his own. He remembers some of the words from each page.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

LeaRniNg tHe aLpHaBet

In end September, Mummy started teaching ZaC the letters in the alphabet. This book is one of the ways ZaC learns the alphabet. He also watches the Sesame Street Alphabet Jungle DVD & read many books on the alphabet from the library. Within a month, ZaC is able to recognise all the letters. However, they are just symbols to him. To add some meaning to these symbols, Mummy is going through the alphabet again - focusing on one letter each week. There will be crafts, games and books to teach ZaC more about each letter. Last week, ZaC completed learning more about the letter L. He loves the craft projects!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

32 mOnthS

At 32 months, ZaC's fine motor skills are improving. He can cut straight lines across a piece of paper using a pair of scissors. He is learning how to hold the pen/ pencil the correct way. However, he is still uses both hands to hold the pen/ pencil. He uses the right hand to feed himself though. He is asserting his independence by talking back and refusing to listen to instructions, answering with a resolute "No!". Daddy & Mummy are reminding him to mind his manners everyday. His inquisitive nature is still apparent when he asks "What", "Where", "Why", "How" & "Who" questions. Daddy & Mummy will never get tired of anwering his many questions. Sometimes, he answers his own questions!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

LiFe'S a bEaCh

ZaC got a bubbles pack as a birthday goodie bag from school. So Daddy & Mummy brought him to the beach to try it out. ZaC was very excited! It was really an eventful day as we had to go & stay indoors 3 times to hide from the rain which came & came & go.....eventually, ZaC had a fun time running to & from the beach while blowing his bubbles!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Every fortnight, ZaC gets to meet with his huge brood of cousins (8 in total). Although their age difference can be great, the older ones enjoy playing with him. This is one of their happy moments together!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

sOnG frOm sChOoL

ZaC learnt this song from school & started singing it at home. Daddy & Mummy could only stare blankly at him when they heard it the first time. Soon, ZaC was 'performing' the song to relatives & friends! Great that he is confident in front of others!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

MiD-AuTuMn fEstiVaL 2010

This year, ZaC went to Punggol Park to join others in celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival. There were many people taking a stroll around the lake with their colourful lanterns. Some families even had a picnic under the full moon while the kids played with sparklers. Too bad, ZaC was alone. But he had a great time playing all the sparklers! Finally, he has the courage to hold onto one, just be sure that they are those without the whistling sound. ZaC is a traditional boy & preferred paper lanterns lighted with candles, rather than the electric ones. Someone was selling 'Kong Ming' lanterns too and many people grabbed the chance to light one up & release it into the air.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

31 mOntHs

ZaC has learnt about 80% of the alphabet. Mummy uses visual references to teach him, e.g B looks like the number 8, P is like a flag, O is a circle, E looks like a comb, etc. ZaC also loves to listen to Mummy read a book about the alphabet borrowed from the library. He will read out the letters while Mummy continues the sentences.
Teacher has feedback that ZaC is an inquisitive boy, always asking questions! He has been 'promoted' to the playgroup class, where he joined some of his previous friends.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

pLaYiN' wiTh cHopStiCks

Besides pointing out the letters wherever he goes, ZaC has moved onto creating them using chopsticks! He can create the letters 'I' & 'H' & the triangle shape too. It has become an activity at the meal table.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Last Saturday, Daddy brought the whole family to the Kite Festival at The Promontory @ Marina Bay. Auntie Pauline & family met us there. Daddy wanted to show ZaC the giant kites brought in by the overseas kite masters. Many people were already flying their own kites by late afternoon. Daddy also brought his own kite. However, the wind was not very strong as there are several tall office buildings surrounding the location. Even the kite masters were unable to get their huge kites up in the air after several attempts. Nevertheless, ZaC had fun admiring the small kites in the sky with Titus & Phoebe.

Monday, September 20, 2010


ZaC's first taste of jelly. Judging from his expressions, you'll know he loves it!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

heLiCopTeR PuZzLe

Mummy is slowly introducing ZaC to puzzles and he loves them! At first, he will ask for help but his self confidence builds up as he practices piecing the puzzle pieces together. Great job, ZaC!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

kiSseS fOr dAdDy

ZaC's favourite playmate - Daddy! Here, he is blowing kisses on Daddy's face. Just like how Daddy blows his tummy, which never fails to leave him giggling!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

dRuMmeR bOy

After watching the NDP, catching the drummer boys at Vivocity & reading a book about parades, ZaC has been hooked on being a 'drummer boy'. He will ask for chopsticks and starting banging on any surface. Finally, he got Daddy to buy a drum for him. Now, he can march and beat his drum at the same time!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

pLay dOugH

Another craft activity which ZaC loves! He loves to squeeze, roll & squash the dough into all shapes and sizes. His imagination runs wild while playing with dough. One moment, he made a cake & the next, he has a long train! He loves the colour green too (just like Mummy!). He will pick the green paint, green dough, green marker, green crayon, green underwear, green shirt.....everything has to be green for him!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

30 mOntHs

August has been a tough month for ZaC. First, he fell & then he contracted HFMD. Luckily, his HMFD wasn't full-blown. Except for a few ulcers in his mouth, ZaC did not suffer any discomfort. After he emerged from these 2 'ordeals', ZaC seemed to have grown up more.
First, it was easy to toilet-train him. Daddy & Mummy started letting ZaC go 'diaper-free' during the long National Day weekend. Except for a few accidents on the first day, ZaC had no problem communicating his desire to visit the toilet.

Second, ZaC started to recognise letters around him. Out of the blue one day, he told Mummy, " I see an A there!" Mummy has been teaching ZaC about A, B & C for the past 2 months. From previous experience, Mummy took her time to show him these 3 letters from the chart. ZaC also loves watching the 'Alphabet Jungle' Sesame Street VCD. There was no response from ZaC until recently. He also recognises the letter 'C'. Now, he looks at brochures, boxes, signs, etc and will point out the letters 'A' & 'C' to Mummy correctly. Another 24 letters to go, ZaC!

Monday, August 23, 2010

tHe SpiRit oF YOG

ZaC spent some time watching the YOG games on TV with Daddy & Mummy over the weekend. He was introduced to some sports which really inspired him. So he had some sporty fun with Daddy! He loves watching diving, swimming, hurdles, gymnastics & javelin! Watching all the sports events brought memories of his school's Sports Day & he kept asking Daddy to bring him to Sports Day!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

cRayOn DoOdLiNg

Under the influence of Mummy, ZaC is slowly picking up art. He loves drawing with his new set of wax jumbo crayons (which are mess-free as compared to oil pastels!). He requests to draw with crayons and can spend up to 30mins just doodling away!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

5W and 1H QuEstiOnS

From the simple "What is this" questions & the ocassional "Why" questions, ZaC has started asking "Where" questions recently. Whenever Mummy tells him about something on the road or in a distance, curious ZaC will asked "Where?". Soon, he will move on to asking more complex questions...Daddy & Mummy may be scratching heads just to answer him!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

HaVinG fUn!

ZaC can giggle & laugh heartily over the most simple things - Daddy's silly expressions, Mummy's animated actions, etc. This time, Mummy placed a fruit packaging over his head & he had lots of fun with it in front of the mirror. He peeps at himself in the mirror and runs away giggling hard, as if he was playing with another person on the other side. He probably enjoyed this fruit packaging more than his other toys!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010

nO sTyLinG nEeDeD

This is how ZaC's hair looks like after he wakes up.