Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 31, 2009

pOinTinG gAme

Daddy taught ZaC a new game. Daddy will gesture a gun with his fingers and point it at ZaC, saying "bang"! After a few weeks, Mummy noticed ZaC doing the same gesture but his forefinger will be pointing upwards. Mummy thought he was gesturing the number "7" and attempted to see if he comes up with 3 other digits for her to buy 4-D! Daddy is still playing the game with him, hoping to get a response of being 'shot' back by ZaC. Even 姨姨and姨丈has joined in!

Now ZaC has improvised the gesture and started pointing at things without sticking his thumb out. He loves to point at lanterns and CNY decorations and giving an excited yell each time!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

oUr bAby iS 11 mOntHs tOdAy!

ZaC is almost one year old! Time really flies! Mummy noticed some changes in him these past 2 months. He is beginning to realise he's a seperate individual and has a mind of his own.

1) He started to be upset when restricted to do some things which are dangerous for him. Eg. placing all kinds of things into his mouth. When they are taken away from him, he will start wailing.

2) He knows when Daddy and Mummy are angry with him. Eg. when he does something naughty, Daddy and Mummy will tell him sternly. He always looks away, refusing to meet our eyes.

3) Willy ZaC knows when he does naughty things but will still continue. Eg. Mummy allows him to hold her keypouch but he cannot place it into his mouth. He will spend some time playing with it but soon he will want to 'try his luck'. First he will look at Mummy while he starts to place the keypouch closer to his mouth. If this goes unnoticed, in goes the keypouch!

One thing is for sure.....he will definately be a terror once he starts walking independently!

Monday, January 26, 2009

WiShiNg eVeRyOnE a hAppY CNY!

It's the beginning of a new lunar calendar. ZaC will be turning one soon. Hopefully, he will make good progress in his mental and physical growth!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

BaLanCinG aCt

ZaC balanced on his own for 5 seconds today! Mummy gave him a toy to hold with both his hands and gently let go of him and he stood still for 5 seconds before falling on his buttocks! Well done ZaC! Too bad Mummy has no time to capture this great moment.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009

fRuiT LoVer

ZaC has been taking fruits after he turned 6 months. He has tried banana, papaya, apple, strawberry, kiwi, pear, grapes and cherry. 四姑 bought him a Munchkin Fresh Food Feeder which allows him to chew, suck and enjoy the many different fruits without choking. Looking at him enjoy his fruits makes them really delicious!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

Friday, January 9, 2009

2008 - a yEaR in piCtuReS

Although ZaC fell ill at the beginning of 2009, we are still thankful for his arrival and developments throughout 2008. Daddy & Mummy didn't have much time for each other but watching ZaC grow everyday and being with him through this journey makes the 'sacrifice' worth it! He has brought much joy and a new perspective to our lives. Not forgetting, ZaC has a new god-sister too (another new addition to the family!) Daddy & Mummy hope that ZaC will continue to be a happy baby in 2009 and can't wait to see him start walking and talking (which will keep us more busy!)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

whAt's uNdEr tHerE?

ZaC is really hyperactive nowadays. Besides climbing over the furniture, he's also starting to crawl under them! As he crawls under the coffee table, he will bend his head really low so that he will not hit his head. He also knows how to locate items which have rolled under the furniture. He will lay flat on the floor and try to reach for them. He seemed to have self-taught himself overnight.

His memory is also improving. He can recall where Mummy hides the remote controls and will flip the cushion over just to get his hands on them!

Monday, January 5, 2009

ViRuS aTtAcK

ZaC is on the road to recovery now, the rash is starting to fade and disappear.

Thursday, January 1, 2009