Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
IT bOy @ wOrK
ZaC has been fascinated with computers (more than the TV) since he was young. He loves watching videos of himself and will giggle with glee every time. Daddy caught him on video trying to 'use' the laptop. Well, Daddy's in the IT line, so maybe it's in the genes?
Monday, October 12, 2009
iT's aN iNseCt!
Being a typical boy, ZaC loves the creepy crawlies and animals. His favourite activity is to look for snails in the grass patch near the life lobby, and trying to spot spiders and lizards on the wall. Daddy bought some rubber creepy crawlies (spider, grasshopper, iguana, lizard, housefly) for ZaC. He loves playing with them and soon knows each one by name. Once, Mummy spotted an insect in the bathroom and got ZaC to take a look. He was really curious about it and stood in the bathroom for a long time just pointing and trying to chat with it! Little things like this do make him happy! Up till today, he's still asking for the insect whenever he steps inside the bathroom!