ZaC started school on 14 Dec, Monday. Mummy was with him for 1/2 day on the first and second days. On the third day, he was left in school until 4.30pm. He cried on and off whenever he thinks of Mummy (or wasn't distracted by the teachers). But he will still go to school every morning. Mummy noticed he was quite curious with the kids-size toilet bowls in the bathroom and was amused with the older boys showering. He also loves the books and different toys in school. But he hates shower time as the teacher uses the shower head and he is afraid of having water run over his head.There are only 8 kids in his class, with only one jie jie. He's the 2nd youngest child. Teacher said he enjoys the food (he loves the cakes baked by ah ma - the chef!) but is quite clingy and wants them to carry him (for comfort). He will get his shoes from the cupboard to wear and tell them he wants to go home! As he only sleeps less than an hour in school (due to the foreign environment), he gets a little cranky during the evenings.
When asked if he likes school, he answered, "Yes." Hopefully, ZaC will settle down in school and start enjoying his learning journey! Good job, ZaC!