Sunday, February 28, 2010
tOdaY ZaC tUrNs tWo!

Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
bOy iN uNiFoRm

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
GetTinG rEaDy fOr CNY
CNY is just around the corner and last weekend, Daddy & Mummy started decorating the house with ornaments and flowers. ZaC was very excited when he saw all the RED lanterns and decorations around the house. He went around admiring them and saying "Wah...!". He became very excited whenever he spotted something RED. He loves this vase of flowers the most, especially toying with the hanging ornaments.
Last weekend, ZaC also went to Chinatown and had a great time as his eyes feasted on all the RED ornaments and lanterns. He will call out "Pineapple lantern" or "Lantern" whenever he spots one (which are everywhere!).
Since he was a baby, ZaC has been watching a CNY VCD with jie-jies singing and dancing. This year, Daddy bought a new VCD for ZaC and he has been pestering Daddy & Mummy (at least once a day) to let him watch it!
CNY is definately ZaC's favourite festival!
Monday, February 8, 2010
The curious little boy is feeling the mirror with his tummy and was surprised that it felt cold. His curiosity allows him to learn things but also resulted in bumps to his head and bruises on his limps. He wants to feel and touch everything, indoors and outdoors. It is tough keeping up with the little one!