As ZaC grows older and his sense of self increases, he's learning to do things for himself. He can sip from a cup & feed himself under the watchful eyes of Daddy and Mummy (he usually makes a mess & starts playing with his food and drink). He can put his arms through the sleeves of his shirts, put his legs through his pants/ pull ups, gurgle waters in his mouth before spitting them out, put on his shoes (sometimes in the wrong sides) and turn on the tap to wash his hands. He has just started toilet training, getting him aware that he has to do it in the toilet. It will be a long process before he masters this.He is getting better at throwing & rolling balls. He loves playing in indoor playgrounds where he can climb, slide, run around! He used to be afraid of the ball pool and now, he can even 'hop' (he can't jump yet) into the pool and lie there.