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ZaC is elated to get Easter Egg treats from Daddy & Mummy!
Now for some craft time!
We are all counting down to the arrival of ZaC's little brother! Nine more weeks to go! ZaC has been talking to didi and greeting him good morning and good night! Sometimes, he includes didi in his conversations. We shall see how he reacts when didi actually arrives!
After almost 2 weeks away from home, we are all glad to be ending our holiday. When we arrived in Hong Kong, ZaC really felt homesick & asked about going to school everyday! Being in a foreign country, he wanted to be carried all the time so Daddy & Mummy were also exhausted. It doesn't help that the weather in Hong Kong was really humid, unlike cool Taiwan. So, we were all glad to be going home!
Last weekend, Daddy brought ZaC on a leisurely walk to the temple near our house. ZaC wanted to touch the mimosa plants. He ended up playing with a stick at the field next to the temple. It's really a wonder to see him running around, having so much fun with just a simple stick. Who says kids need expensive toys? Simple things in life can give them lots of fun & enjoyment too!