Saturday, June 28, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Zac has two kinds of medicine - brown cough syrup and orange flu syrup. He prefers the cough syrup, maybe it tastes sweeter. He'll always make faces whenever he takes them. Daddy and Mummy also uses the nose cleaner to take out all the mucus in his tiny nose so that he can breathe more easily. He has also lost his appetite and will only drink breastmilk when he latches onto Mummy.
Friday, June 20, 2008
mY pOor siCk bOy
Zac always had healthy bowel movements since he was born. However, when he turned 3 months old, he stopped poo-ing daily. Once, he 'accumulated' for a week before giving us a HUGE one. As his bowel movements were not as frequent, he grew irritable and grouchy. His record was 9 days. Worried, Daddy & Mummy brought him to the doctor. After some examination, she said Zac has breastfeeding constipation, which is common among fully breasftfed babies. She inserted a Microlax suppository tube into him to induce his bowel movements. After 5 mins, he pooed! After inspecting his 'gold rush' (which was runny and yellow), she pronounced him healthy! What a relief!

But the worst is not over...Zac caught the flu bug in the clinic and was coughing and sneezing over the weekend. He had to go back to the doctor on Tuesday. Now, his bowel movements have improved but he lost some appetite and needs to be on medication. Hope you get well soon, baby!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
nEw tOy - BuMbO cHaiR
Zac has a new toy - a Bumbo chair in Mummy's favourite colour! Zac loves sitting in it as he explores the world around him in a new angle. Zac will spend many fun moments in it.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
fiRst tRip tO tHe aiRpOrt
Daddy & Mummy brought Zac to the airport to fetch 外公 & 外婆. It is his first time there and he is fascinated with all the bright lights. Soon, Zac will be going to the airport on his first overseas trip! Looking forward to it!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
tiNy gOdsis - Eve Lim
Zac's godsister was born on 25 May 2008 - about 3 months younger than Zac. She looks a lot like her brother, Ian. Zac can't wait to play with her when she grows older. Now she sleeps a lot. Look how tiny she is next to Zac. The Mickey Mouse pillow she is using belonged to Zac. His head is too big for it now, so Eve mei mei can use it.
Monday, June 9, 2008
3rd mOntH Stats
Zac went to the polyclinic to get his 2nd dose of jab on 2nd June. Zac was really brave and didn't cry when the nurse gave him the jab. Mummy & Daddy are so proud of him! Zac is growing up tall and strong like Daddy.
Update on Zac:
Weight: 6.75kg (75 percentile)
Height: 65cm (90 percentile)
Head Circumference: 40.5 (75 percentile)
Then Zac went to collect his passport. Mummy needed to re-new hers, so she applied one for Zac too. The whole family will visit Uncle Steve in Macau when Zac turns one year old.
Update on Zac:
Weight: 6.75kg (75 percentile)
Height: 65cm (90 percentile)
Head Circumference: 40.5 (75 percentile)
Then Zac went to collect his passport. Mummy needed to re-new hers, so she applied one for Zac too. The whole family will visit Uncle Steve in Macau when Zac turns one year old.

Sunday, June 8, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
ZaC cAn Flip oVeR
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