Zac always had healthy bowel movements since he was born. However, when he turned 3 months old, he stopped poo-ing daily. Once, he 'accumulated' for a week before giving us a HUGE one. As his bowel movements were not as frequent, he grew irritable and grouchy. His record was 9 days. Worried, Daddy & Mummy brought him to the doctor. After some examination, she said Zac has breastfeeding constipation, which is common among fully breasftfed babies. She inserted a Microlax suppository tube into him to induce his bowel movements. After 5 mins, he pooed! After inspecting his 'gold rush' (which was runny and yellow), she pronounced him healthy! What a relief!

But the worst is not over...Zac caught the flu bug in the clinic and was coughing and sneezing over the weekend. He had to go back to the doctor on Tuesday. Now, his bowel movements have improved but he lost some appetite and needs to be on medication. Hope you get well soon, baby!
hmm..... a bit 'weird' seeing the 'poos' early in the morning.
Wait till you smell them! haha...
See you this weekend, Zac's YI ZHANG!
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