Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
zAc @ 8 mOnthS - aPpLe oF oUr eyE

Dislikes: People washing his face, to be hungry, sitting stationery for a long time
Friday, October 24, 2008
oUr Lil mOnkEy

As ZaC is teething, he has been busy biting his teethers. One of his favourite is this monkey teether which 四姑 bought for him. ZaC has also become more expressive and responsive lately. He will call out when to attract our attention. When he's excited (especially when he's outdoors), he'll also squeal in delight! Sometimes he will try to converse with Mummy, attempting to answer her in his 'baby language'.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
ZaC's fiRst tOotH
ZaC's first tooth is out! Now whenever he bites his teether, we can hear the sound of his tooth rubbing against it. His appetite has also improved. He takes porridge, rice cereal, biscuits and fruits now. He loves food that has texture so that he can feel them with his tongue. Whenever he sees Daddy & Mummy eating, he'll imitate the "chewing" action.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
mR cUriOuS

Monday, October 13, 2008
tHe cHaiN iS mOre yUmMy thAn tHe tEetHeR

Sunday, October 12, 2008
CheEky bOy's nEw tRicK
ZaC learnt a new trick on his own this week! 姑姑was carrying him and patting him to sleep when she realised his pacifier was missing from his mouth. She searched for it, thinking he dropped it. But guess where it was inside his mouth! That cheeky boy can actually conceal the whole pacifier inside his tiny (or so we thought) mouth. Watch the video to see how he performs the "Now you see it, now you don't" trick!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
wAteR baBy
Two weeks ago, ZaC used his swimming float for the first time and loved it! He can't stop kicking and splashing in the water. He'll surely spend many more happy hours playing with it. But he gotta wait till he recovers from his flu and cough.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
LeArNinG nEw tHingS frOm DaDdy

When Daddy is at work, ZaC loves to hear his voice over the loudspeaker. His face will light up when he hears the ringing tone.
ZaC has learnt many tricks under Daddy's patient guidance:
1) When you say "kok, kok" and bring your head close to his, he will knock your head lightly with his.
2) When you lift up your palm and say "hi-five", ZaC will bring his palm and light tap on it.
3) When his arm is lifted, his fingers will open and close to signal the "bye-bye" hand sign.
Hopefully, he'll be able to master the "Gong Xi" hand sign by the next Chinese New Year and collect many ang baos!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
mY pOor siCk bOy...agAiN

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