Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, October 3, 2008

mY pOor siCk bOy...agAiN

ZaC is down with flu & cough. This time, he also lost his voice. Now, he can only try babble in his hoarse voice. But doc says he doesn't have a sore throat. He has also lost his appetite and wakes up several times in the night as he finds it difficult to breathe with his blocked nose. Good thing is, he's still as active as ever....trying to use any furniture he can find to support himself to stand. He's taking his medicine dutifully and hope he gets well soon!


Ningxuan said...

Wishing Zac didi well and strong very soon!

Xuan jiejie

Anonymous said...

Wishing Zac will get well soon...

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for your concern, Xuan Xuan and Janice! :)