Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 31, 2009

pRoUd Of yOu

ZaC is adjusting well in school. Teacher says he eats and sleeps well. This week, he only cried when Mummy left him in school in the morning. Every morning, Daddy & Mummy never fail to assure ZaC that he will be picked up from school in the late afternoon. ZaC is happiest when Mummy picks him up, waving good-bye to his teachers and friends. Mummy praises him and offers him a snack. While walking home, Mummy will ask ZaC about his day at school.
This morning, ZaC started singing Mandarin songs while getting ready for school! Mummy was pleasantly surprised! Looks like ZaC is having a great time learning and playing in school. This puts Daddy & Mummy's hearts at ease.

Monday, December 28, 2009

H.A.P.P.Y - 22 mOntHs

ZaC has always been a chatty boy (usually at home or in the presence of familiar people). Since he turned one, ZaC likes to blabber in his baby language and names objects he recognises to Daddy & Mummy in one or two words. Now, ZaC has reached another milestone, he can speak in simple sentences! He tells Mummy excitedly, "Uncle drive bus, the wheels are turning." "The car is moving." "I see red lantern." "Wow, so high!" "Mummy wear glasses." "Ball is dirty."
He also expresses what he wants,"I want to go outside/playground." "I want biscuits/milk/rice/noodles/etc."
Besides describing what he sees, he knows how to explain things. E.g when he was placed in the naughty corner by Daddy, Mummy asked him,"Why is ZaC in the naughty corner?". ZaC replied," Because ZaC is naughty. ZaC stand in naughty corner." When he is playing and cannot put bigger items inside a small box, he will explain,"This is too big."
Daddy & Mummy are surprised with ZaC's improvement in his language skills and totally enjoy communicating with him!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

sUpErMaRkEt fUN!

The supermarket is a great learning place for ZaC. Since he was young, he will visit the supermarket at least once a day. He learnt about fruits, fish, vegetables, seafood, etc. If possible, Mummy will let him touch and smell them. He can identify apples, oranges, grapes, crab, squid, fish, carrot, brocolli, lemon, papaya, pineapple, flowercrab, banana, tomato, diapers, milk powder, toothrbush, toothpaste, rice, etc. He also knows the Lion logo and will search for the power, detegent, wet tissue, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste of the brand.
Usual 'route' for ZaC by section is fruits-->seafood-->milk-->diapers-->yakult-->toothbrush/toothpaste-->powder-->cleaning brushes-->cashier (looking for kinder bueno eggs!) If he got lost, Daddy & Mummy knows where to look for him.
Recently, he found a new activity to do - stacking bowl and cup noodles! ZaC has lots of fun in the supermarket!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

nEw tRiCycLe

ZaC has a new tricycle (his first one)! It is his Christmas present from Daddy and Mummy. He don't know how to pedal yet and pushes himself forward with his legs. But he doesn't really like to ride on it. He prefers to be a mechanic, inspecting the tricycle's wheels! Curious ZaC will flip the tricycle upside down to see how they work. Yes, he has always been amused with wheels!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

tErRibLe tWo mOnStEr has ArRiVeD!

Yes, the moment Daddy & Mummy has been waiting for (or rather, dreading) has arrived! ZaC has slowly started to display symptoms of the 'Terrible Two Monster' these past 2 months. No mood swings in the picture yet (hopefully, never) but some occasional tantrums displayed (at home, fortunately). Two very obvious symptoms are his growing independence and sudden liking to say "I don't want" or "我不要" to everything. Sometimes he likes to say these just to see your reaction - it's all a game to him! And him being the cheeky boy, everything can be a game to him - even discipline time!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

FiRst dAy oF ScHoOL

ZaC started school on 14 Dec, Monday. Mummy was with him for 1/2 day on the first and second days. On the third day, he was left in school until 4.30pm. He cried on and off whenever he thinks of Mummy (or wasn't distracted by the teachers). But he will still go to school every morning. Mummy noticed he was quite curious with the kids-size toilet bowls in the bathroom and was amused with the older boys showering. He also loves the books and different toys in school. But he hates shower time as the teacher uses the shower head and he is afraid of having water run over his head.
There are only 8 kids in his class, with only one jie jie. He's the 2nd youngest child. Teacher said he enjoys the food (he loves the cakes baked by ah ma - the chef!) but is quite clingy and wants them to carry him (for comfort). He will get his shoes from the cupboard to wear and tell them he wants to go home! As he only sleeps less than an hour in school (due to the foreign environment), he gets a little cranky during the evenings.
When asked if he likes school, he answered, "Yes." Hopefully, ZaC will settle down in school and start enjoying his learning journey! Good job, ZaC!

Monday, December 14, 2009

mUmMy'S bOy

ZaC is quite 'sticky' to Mummy (especially after he has developed his speech), always asking for Mummy to carry him. Whenever he wakes up in the middle of the night, he will demand for Mummy to hold him. Lately, the level of 'sticky-ness' has gone one level up. When Daddy sits or lays close to Mummy, ZaC will push Daddy away. *Gasp* ZaC has displayed the feeling of JEALOUSY! Daddy & Mummy were surprised at ZaC's reaction. So now, Daddy loves to tease ZaC just to see his reaction.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

pRepAriNg fOr xMaS

It's ZaC's 2nd Christmas and he is no longer an ignorant baby! Last year, the Christmas tree was kept in the storeroom. This year, it re-appeared in our living room and guess who had to get his hands on the poor tree?! It's ZaC the destroyer! Before Daddy was able to set the tree up, ZaC has already broken one of the legs of the base. After that, he dropped the base and Daddy had to do some damage control by taping the mechanics for the fiber optic lights. Luckily, the tree managed to balance without the legs and was working like before! Next, comes the extremely difficult task of getting the curious toddler's hands away from touching the tree's deocrations! It took a lot of reminding and implementation of a 'naughty corner' to the 'tragic death' of our Christmas tree!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

eXpeRieNtiAL LeArNinG

Mummy loves to bring ZaC outdoors so he can use his 5 senses to experience new things. This is experiential learning. You learn only when you get to touch, feel and do something. So, no enrichment classes for ZaC at the moment cos he will learn less inside the 4 walls - when he sees a picture of a snail, he only knows the word associated with the picture. If he sees a snail crawling and eating grass, he knows what the snail looks like, smells like, how it crawls (slowly) and what it eats. Bringing ZaC closer to nature is also something important cos it provides the best classroom and lessons! He will learn to appreciate nature and help to conserve it.
It's amazing that there are some great places to expose kids to nature and at no cost - just like the Jacob Ballas Children's Garden!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009

21 mOntHs - eXpLoRinG tHe wOndeRfuL wOrLd

ZaC is starting to notice the world around him and relate to them:
ZaC can recognise & distinguish vehicles on the road - taxis, lorries, trucks, cars, vans MRT trains, LRT trains & buses.
ZaC can name little creatures he sees - dogs, cats, snails, spiders, lizards, bugs, ants, cockroaches, birds, earthworms & butterflies.
When someone or something goes out of sight or disappears, ZaC says,"XX, hiding....XX, 不见了!"
ZaC can name places - 外公's house, home, library, temple, Rumbia (LRT station), Sengkang and playground
ZaC's favourite phrase - "I don't want!" & 我不要!" (making choices)
Reading many books helps ZaC to relate to the world around him too.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

aLL gRoWn uP

ZaC finally weaned off his pacific! The most amazing thing is, he did it on his own. Mummy has been trying to get ZaC off the pacifier by cutting the tip off, asking ZaC to throw it in the dustbin, etc. All unsuccessful attempts cos ZaC will demand for it before bed. When he was given the cut off pacifier, he will suck a few times and take it out of his mouth to look at what is wrong with it. After doing this several times, he innocently said, "Spoil." and handed the pacifier over.
Until recently, ZaC bit a small hole in his pacifier. He handed it over and informed Daddy that the pacifier is spoilt. Miraculously, he went to bed without demanding for another one. So, Mummy realised toddlers cannot be forced, they will wean off their pacifiers or toilet train themselves when it is time. And every toddler is different. Mummy will let ZaC take his time and not fret over such matters anymore.

Monday, November 9, 2009

MeSmeRiZed wiTh tHe wiNdChiMe

Besides lanterns, windmills and cats, ZaC is also fascinated with windchimes. Grandpa's home has a wooden windchime hanging in the service balcony. ZaC always wants to listen and play with it during every visit. Mummy loves the sound of the wooden windchine too as it is more soothing than the metal bells. Daddy took a long time searching for a wooden windchime and finally ZaC gets his own! Everyday, he will play with it and has thought of many ways to hit the windchime - using fingers, balls, feet, etc.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

wAteR bOttLe

Daddy & Mummy has been trying all means and ways to encourage ZaC to drink more water as he suffers from constipation. ZaC rejected all the special 'concoctions' of mixing water with apple juice, plum juice and glucose! Next, praising and clapping after each sip of water worked for a while....but ZaC was back to his old ways soon. So, Daddy bought ZaC a water bottle which he picked from Kiddy Palace. The water bottle was the most successful although ZaC was still drinking too little. Daddy & Mummy had to supplement his diet with fruits, vegetables and soup. ZaC's milk powder was changed to a different brand (he doesn't seem to mind at all) and everything is fine now. ZaC's intake of water also increased as he is allowed to take some non-home cooked food. More salty dishes means more water intake!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

IT bOy @ wOrK

ZaC has been fascinated with computers (more than the TV) since he was young. He loves watching videos of himself and will giggle with glee every time. Daddy caught him on video trying to 'use' the laptop. Well, Daddy's in the IT line, so maybe it's in the genes?

Monday, October 12, 2009

iT's aN iNseCt!

Being a typical boy, ZaC loves the creepy crawlies and animals. His favourite activity is to look for snails in the grass patch near the life lobby, and trying to spot spiders and lizards on the wall. Daddy bought some rubber creepy crawlies (spider, grasshopper, iguana, lizard, housefly) for ZaC. He loves playing with them and soon knows each one by name. Once, Mummy spotted an insect in the bathroom and got ZaC to take a look. He was really curious about it and stood in the bathroom for a long time just pointing and trying to chat with it! Little things like this do make him happy! Up till today, he's still asking for the insect whenever he steps inside the bathroom!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

iSLaNd bOy

ZaC's memory is like an elephant. He remembers words when he hears them once. He remembers places which displays things which he likes. The shops we have to visit every time we are at Compass Point are a skincare shop which has his favourite 'Fortune Cat' displayed on the shelf, a Kiddy Palace poster ad featuring many babies (he always smiles and turns away shyly whenever we pass by), the sports shop which has many balls and shoes, Exim Arts shop which has windchimes, water fountains and door sensors with animals' sounds, the durian pancake stall, optician shop which display many cats and dogs figurines, Action City which has many solar-sensored figurines with their heads moving from left to right, Best Denki which has many fans on display blowing cold air and the barber shop which has the rotating coloured strips. Luckily, he does not know how to ask for toys yet.
Just the other day, he kept asking 姑姑to get 'the kite' from the 2nd level of the book shelf. 姑姑looked through all the books but couldn't find one which is about kites. ZaC kept pointing and repeated his request. In the end, the 'kite' was actually one of the flashcards from a Sesame Street pack which Mummy bought a long time ago. Mummy only showed it to ZaC once when he turned 12 mths. At that time, he wasn't even introduced to kites at all. Wonder how he manage to remember it!
He will also try to pronounce the words he hears but he's better at words with one syllabus. Mummy needs to split the pronounciation up if the words contains more than one syllabus. His mandarin still sounds a little 'too angmoh' but at least he's exposed to the launguage.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

tOwEr oF cUbEs

ZaC has been practising his fine motor skills using stacking cups, cubes, blocks and other toys. Mummy bought some wooden cubes some time ago. However, Mummy was relunctant to allow ZaC to play with them without her supervision as ZaC still has the habit of placing things into his mouth. The last time, ZaC could stack 3 wooden cubes. This time, Mummy gave ZaC 5 cubes and he was able to stack them up easily! The wooden cubes are smaller than the cups and ZaC did a wonderful job! Mummy noticed ZaC has a special way of stacking them up - he will always have the coloured alphabets facing upwards (the cubes have 2 coloured alphabet sides and the remaining 4 sides have carved pictures in the colour of the wood).

Sunday, September 13, 2009

fiShiNg GaMe

Mummy created a fishing game for ZaC using his existing toys and magnets. ZaC had a great time 'catching' the fishes and the activity kept him busy for a while. At first ZaC was amused at how the fishes 'stucked' to the line. Soon curious ZaC found the answer by fiddling with the magnet.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Saturday, September 5, 2009

gRoWth @ 18 mOnthS

ZaC went for the last jab of his 5-in-1 vaccination on Tuesday. At the same time, the doctor did an examination on him. Everything is fine! Only problem is ZaC's constipation which is the result of him not drinking enough water. Daddy & Mummy has tried all means and ways to increase his intake. Every request for drinking water is met with only a small sip. However, the doctor says ZaC does not need to pass motion everyday, as long as it is regular and his stool is not hard, it is still fine. Daddy & Mummy can only hope for the day when ZaC will start to love drinking water - just like Daddy!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

18 jOyFuL mOntHs

It's been an incredible 18 months! From a helpless baby, ZaC has grown up to be a cheeky and bubbly toddler. He enjoys playing with his toys, admiring himself in front of the mirror, treating the furniture as a gym (climbing up & down) and reading (or rather, flipping) books! He is still as curious about everything around him and want to touch and put them inside his mouth.
He loves nature and animals. His favourite animal is definately the Cat (he knows both the English and Mandarin names). And he loves the Japanese Cat of Wealth, never failing to spot one in shops. However, ZaC can't have one as they are only available in the ceramic form and not the soft toy version.
Mummy just registered him as a national library member and borrowed some books for him. ZaC has 'graduated' from reading board books and will be exposed to more interesting books (with simple storylines). However, he is still more captivated with the pictures than the story.
ZaC knows over 100 words and is slowly introduced to the Chinese language. ZaC has also started learning more words with 2 syllabus and can pronounce them by listening and imitating. He still babbles in his baby language (姨姨 thinks he sounds Korean) and 'read' books to Mummy.
Lately, ZaC is trying to learn to jump. His attempts include swinging his hands high, pushing his buttocks up, bending his knees and trying to lift himself off the ground. He has yet to succeed though.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

wAteR pLayGrOunD

2 weekends ago, ZaC went back to Sentosa beach. The water there is much cleaner than East Coast Beach. ZaC played with the sand and swam in the sea. The highlight for the day is playing at the water park! There is water sprouting from the holes in the ground and a small swallow waterway for the kids. The ground is paved with tiny pebbles which is child-friendly as it is not slippery. Although there were many other kids playing around, ZaC thoroughly enjoyed himself!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

yOu LiTtLe mOnSteR!

ZaC can be really naughty at times. He will purposely do things which he is instructed not to do. It's all a game to him! Eg. when instructed not to throw his toys on the floor, he will do it over and over again. Each time laughing out loud after the throw. His infectious giggles and chuckles make it impossible to be stern with him! This is the face he shows just before doing something mischievious. And when asked to show his 'funny face', he will also do this!

Monday, August 10, 2009

hApPy bEaCh mOmEnt

It's been 2 months since ZaC visited the beach. Daddy always thinks ZaC enjoys the beach more than swimming in the pool. So, ZaC is back at the beach again. This time, he became wary of the sand and initially refused to place his feet on the sand. Oh...*gasp*...he has forgotten about the sand and sea! Although unfamiliar, ZaC was adventurous enough to explore the sand. So, soon he was happily playing on the beach! Next, Daddy brought him into the sea. ZaC enjoyed being pounded by the waves and refused to get out of the water! Being close to nature is ZaC's happy moment!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

He'S gOt a sHoE FeTiSh?!

Sometimes ZaC likes to choose which pair of shoes for himself before going out. Whenever he spots Mummy's shoes (which are placed in the same shoe rack), he will attempt to wear them! Daddy's shoes are there too, but he is only interested in Mummy's shoes (which are more colourful). Although they are too big for his tiny feet, he will try means and ways to drag them to the front of the mirror to admire himself in them!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

LiTtLe cHeEky rAt

ZaC got this pair of rat ears from 大姑. He loves putting them on and admiring himself in the mirror. He will laugh at himself and make funny faces. Today, Daddy was lucky as ZaC is in the mood to take pictures. Usually, he will be running to grab the camera when he spots it! ZaC was born in the year of the rat and true to its nature, ZaC is a food lover! ZaC will ask for more food when he joins Daddy & Mummy for dinner (and he has finished his bowl of porridge earlier on). ZaC also loves to eat cheese!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

mY nAmE iS.......ZaC!

Here is ZaC saying his name! It took 2 evenings of teaching & ZaC learns faster when he gets applause and praise! Learning is all fun and play for him!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009

spOkEn wOrdS

ZaC's vocabulary list is growing and he has started saying some words used in his everyday life. In addition, he also understands simple instructions e.g. "pick up", "stand", "sit down", "come", etc. It was amazing to discover new spoken words and get a correct response from ZaC when he was given instructions! Daddy even taught him to raise his hand when asked a question like "Who's the naughty boy?".

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

nEw hAiRdO

ZaC never fails to break into perspiration during mealtimes, especially without any aircondition or fan. Daddy 'styled' his new hairdo after dinner in Burger King (the aircon is not working!). ZaC had a super quick dinner and was carried off to get some cool air in the shopping mall. His latest 'toy' is the straw although he doesn't really like using it to drink water.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

aNotHeR stUnt!

Really don't know how ZaC learnt to climb over all the furniture in the house. First the sofa, then the chairs, coffeetable, TV console. Now he has even mastered the stunt to get into the stroller on his own! Even 姑姑 is puzzled how he could sit himself in the stroller in a twinkle of an eye. So Mummy waited patiently until ZaC decides 'perform' his stunt. It started when Mummy said "gai-gai" (going out). ZaC hurried towards the door, with Mummy thinking he went to get his shoes. But instead, he headed for his stroller and this was what he did! Next time, we will make sure he does not try anything as dangerous anymore. Somebody has to keep an eye on him every minute.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


One video showing Daddy & son bonding...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009

It'S bEeN siXtEen mOntHs....

At 16 months, ZaC can recognise many things and name them more clearly. He will point to the bus, car, fish, ball, dog, book and name them out loud. He also remembers some items' names but can't pronounce are belly button, mirror, clock, TV, LRT train, shower head, comb, windmill, ladybird, etc.
He listens to simple instructions (but this depends on his mood). Sometimes, cheeky ZaC will do the exact opposite when asked. He has also started to imitate the words which Daddy & Mummy tells him.
And after 16 months of seeing 姑姑(who takes care of him), he finally learnt to address her! ZaC has four 姑姑s, so they have been waiting eagerly for him to address them!
ZaC has also grown taller and now he can reach the handles of the doors and starts opening them. He can also reach for the TV button to switch it on when he wants to watch his favourite DVDs. His shoes are placed at the top shelf of the shoe tray and he will reach up to grab them when its time to go out! It's getting really tough to restrict the little monkey now!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

mY nEw fLoAt!

ZaC's first float had a hole in it, so Daddy bought a new one for him. ZaC loves swimming with his new float! But sometimes he prefers Mummy to hold onto him while he kicks the water. He is still afraid of letting water trickle down his face. Daddy is trying to help him get used to it by holding the showerhead over his head during bathtime. Hopefully, ZaC will get used to it and be able to hold his breath and head underwater soon!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

ZaC's nEw rOom

ZaC started sleeping in his own room 2 weeks ago. He has outgrown his cot, always slamming into the sides when he turns in his sleep. He needs a lot of space as he can turn 360 degrees! Since ZaC's birth, Mummy never had a full night's sleep cos ZaC will always wake up in the middle of the night and whine to sleep with Daddy & Mummy. As he got older, he will stand inside his cot and start calling out to Mummy. He loves cuddling close to the warm bodies for comfort. Sometimes, he will roll towards Daddy, then Mummy and back to Daddy again!
Now, Daddy & Mummy's queen size mattress should be huge enough for ZaC to turn around in his sleep. He has since been able to sleep through the night, although Daddy & Mummy will join him in bed for the time being. Mummy is looking forward to ZaC sleeping on his own in his room!

Monday, June 15, 2009

MiRroR, miRrOr oN tHe WaLL

ZaC has been playing in front of the mirror since he was a baby. As he grows older, he starts to realise the baby in the mirror is his own reflection. When ZaC has a new cap or clothes, he will dash to the mirror to take a look at himself. Yes, he is a little vain pot! Here is a video of him carrying his 'bag' and admiring himself in front of the mirror. This time, he even started 'talking' about his new toy, showing it off. He is a little chatterbox too!

Friday, June 12, 2009

mUciC LoVer

Mummy has been letting ZaC view various kinds of VCDs (Baby can Read, Baby Einstein, etc), but ZaC don't seem to be interested in them. He only watches the CNY VCD which Daddy bought last year. In it, there are 8 little girls singing CNY songs, dressed in traditional clothes against the backdrop of some China scenery. At 10 months old, he will smile and point at the TV whenever the VCD was played.

So, Mummy decided that ZaC loves to watch VCDs that features songs. Daddy went to buy a VCD which is a collection of English children's songs. Indeed, ZaC was hooked! He will point to the TV and position himself on the sofa, which is a sign that it's TV Time! He moves to the rhythm of the songs and loves the cartoon animation. Hopefully, he can learn to appreciate the other VCDs too.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

cA.pT.Ure y.O.u

ZaC's smile never fails to brighten up Daddy & Mummy's day. His two front teeth are really huge and cute! He can be an adorable angel when he's happy and a real terror when he's naughty!
Last night when Mummy was playing with ZaC, he started to stack wooden blocks on top of one another. He surprised Mummy once again with his new skills! On several previous occasions, Mummy had tried to teach him. However, ZaC was always too distracted with other toys to pay attention. So, has he been secretly practising on his own to surprise Mummy? She will never know.....Anyway, good job ZaC!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

BaCk @ EaSt cOaSt

Last weekend, ZaC is at East Coast Park again. But this time, he is not playing with sand. Mummy brought him to meet her friends for dinner at Jumbo Seafood. ZaC watched with amusement as the people were wake boarding.
ZaC also got a 'souvenir' from this trip. He attempted to run and fell, scratching his knee cap.
As usual, ZaC started perspiring. The picture with Daddy was taken when we just arrived. Picture taken with Mummy was 20mins later. ZaC's shirt got wet from the spray of sea water which splashed over the railing. His hair is already wet, not with sea water but from his perspiration. So, check out the difference!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

hEaLtHy bRoWn riCe!

ZaC started having brown rice porridge 2 weeks ago. He got used to the taste immediately. Probably he loves the different texture. Minced pork was also added to his diet to give him more variety. However, ZaC became constipated, so his brown rice porridge diet will have to stop for now. Maybe it's because he got some new biscuits (which are more tasty than his previous ones) and didn't drink enough water. Poor ZaC was crying as he was pushing his hard stool out.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


One of ZaC's favourite item is the bicycle. He loves looking at them and will always point them out. One weekend, we were at 二姑姑's house. She has a red bicycle with a huge basket attached. ZaC was placed in the basket and he had lot's of fun staying inside there. It's really a feat for hyper-active ZaC as he never stays put in one position for long!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


ZaC is becoming more vocal and expressive with his emotions. He will gesture and point to let us know what he wants and call out names of the things he knows. Being expressive also means more tantrums. Distracting him with other things is one way of avoiding a crying toddler. It's funny cos he will be laughing at Daddy's funny expression with tears in his eyes (from his crying earlier on). Sometimes he forgets what he was crying for, which is a good thing.
His eagle-sharp eyes can spot red lanterns hanging from the corridors of the blocks, the CNY decorations in the stores, etc. He will point excitedly at them as we walk by.

Last night, he surprised Mummy during story time. As usual, Mummy was reading out loud to him, "Baby eats a cookie, what does baby say?" ZaC replied, "More!".

Friday, May 22, 2009

wE aRe wEaRinG cOupLe tEeS!

This was what Mummy & ZaC wore for Mother's Day celebration 2 weeks ago. Mummy bought the Levi's baseball top in Taiwan when she visited Daddy there. Godpa and Godma went along and spotted a kids version. They bought it for Ian and had passed it down to ZaC. Daddy must be really jealous as he couldn't join in the fun! Anyway, Mummy's the VIP for that day!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

sTyLo MyLo ZaC

ZaC has improvised on his 'one hand' handling of his bottle. Mummy has been trying to 'upgrade' him to the straw bottle but ZaC has not been consistent in drinking from the straw. Sometimes he does it well, other times he just wants to play with it by sucking one mouthful and spitting it all out. This results in one cheeky boy with a wet T-shirt and one frustrated Mummy!

If you look closely, you can spot ZaC's "baluku". It was the result of playing with his cousins. That one took about 2 weeks to disappear...afterwhich he "collected" another one - this time, at the back of his head. Hopefully, he will stop "collecting" them soon!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Re-ViSit tO tHe bEaCh!

The past 2 weekends, ZaC visited two beaches - East Coast Park & Sentosa. Initially, ZaC was a little wary of the small waves coming into the shoreline. He clung onto Daddy, puzzled at the sound of the waves. As his feet felt the wet soft sand, he paused for a moment before digging them deep into it. After some reassuring, ZaC sat down on the sand and started feeling them with his hands. Mummy taught him how to dig using the spade and he sat on the exact same spot for almost 30mins! This is an accomplishment for the ever-energetic ZaC! Just as ZaC was told to go and clean up, he did what Mummy expected - placed his palm full of sand into his mouth! He couldn't resist trying to taste them! The funny thing is he was not disgusted with the sand in his mouth and made a few more attempts!

Last weekend, Godpa & Godma brought Eve and Ian to join us at Palawan Beach, Sentosa. They all had great fun playing with the sand using the toys. The weather was ideal, cloudy and not too hot. ZaC & Eve also enjoyed splashing at the fountain area to cool off.