Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

tOwEr oF cUbEs

ZaC has been practising his fine motor skills using stacking cups, cubes, blocks and other toys. Mummy bought some wooden cubes some time ago. However, Mummy was relunctant to allow ZaC to play with them without her supervision as ZaC still has the habit of placing things into his mouth. The last time, ZaC could stack 3 wooden cubes. This time, Mummy gave ZaC 5 cubes and he was able to stack them up easily! The wooden cubes are smaller than the cups and ZaC did a wonderful job! Mummy noticed ZaC has a special way of stacking them up - he will always have the coloured alphabets facing upwards (the cubes have 2 coloured alphabet sides and the remaining 4 sides have carved pictures in the colour of the wood).

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