Saturday, February 28, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
atTeMpts At sTaNdinG
Monday, February 23, 2009
fiRst pAir oF sHoEs

Friday, February 20, 2009
ZaC's LatEst tOy
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
He'S nOt a rAt, hE's a mOnkEy!
Look at ZaC! Nobody taught him how to climb over bean bag, which are used to block him from entering "forbidden zones". Mummy only taught him how to descend from high places and he used it here. He knows he can't crawl onto the bean bag as it will collapse due to his weight. He used it to prop himself onto the single seater and descend to the other side.
After this episode, we narrowed the gap and placed the single seater to block him. As he was not tall enough to pro himself onto the single seater, he used his feet to step against the cupboard next to the seater and propped himself up. Wonder what mischief he will be up to next!
Friday, February 13, 2009
EnGagiNg iN spEecH

Although he can't speak yet, ZaC understands some of the terms used in his everyday life. Eg. When Mummy says water, ZaC knows he will be fed with some water. He will open his mouth to receive the bottle. Some other words he understands are "bye", "biscuit" and "milk". And of cos he understands the meaning of "NO"(which Mummy and Daddy uses constantly) but he chooses to ignore it. When he hears the words "butterfly" and "bumblebee", he will look towards his toys.
Now ZaC knows when he calls out "Diddy", he is referring to Daddy. Recently, Mummy noticed he is making some effort to imitate Mummy's speech. He will attempt to repeat after Mummy, so now Mummy talks to him loudly and slowly, emphasizing the names of things or actions. He said "bao" when Mummy said "bao bao" and gestured to carry him. Keep it up, ZaC!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
ZaC's fiRst LuNaR nEw yEaR
1st day of CNY - Visiting 外公 & 外婆
2nd day of CNY - steamboat at my home, leisure gambling session
Daddy's company - 1st day of work ceremony
aGiLe ZaC
Thursday, February 5, 2009
WaVinG bYe & cLaPpiNg
It took Mummy a few months to teach Zac how to wave bye and clap his hands. But the effort was worth it cos now ZaC does it when he's asked to. He started to wave bye first. Mummy made sure he had lot's of practise with family members, neighbours and even strangers we meet at the supermarket.
With clapping, Mummy will clap her hands first before taking ZaC's hands and placing them together. But initially whenever Mummy asked ZaC to clap his hands, he will grab Mummy's hands and place them together. Just like how Mummy taught him. After a few months, he can clap his hands on his own. Sometimes he does it when Mummy sings "If you are happy a d you know it you clap your hands". Recently, Mummy taught ZaC to clap whenever Mummy sings the birthday song. This is to prepare him for his 1st brithday celebration, which is approaching soon!