Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Daddy & Mummy loves playing Peek-A-Boo with ZaC as it never fails to make him laugh. Two weeks ago, ZaC decided to play the game with Daddy & Mummy instead! Mummy was pleasantly surprised when he used the curtains to hide behind them and revealed himself after a few seconds.

Mummy also bought an "Elmo Peek-A-Boo" book for ZaC. It's a cloth book and Elmo and his friends will be hiding behind flaps in the book. Mummy had to read and go through the book with ZaC a few times before he knows how to lift the flaps to look for the Sesame Street characters. He loves to peep at Ernie in the shower, lift up Zoe's face mask and look for Oscar in the rubbish bin!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

atTeMpts At sTaNdinG

ZaC made TWO attempts to stand yesterday! He was pushing his walking toy around and decided to let go. Mummy was surprised at his action. What a brave boy! He managed to stand still for a few seconds. Hopefully, he will try again soon!

Monday, February 23, 2009

fiRst pAir oF sHoEs

For the past week, ZaC has been practising walking around the estate in his first pair of shoes. He has been very curious about Daddy & Mummy's shoes for a long time and will always bend down to look at them while being carried around. He's very fasinated with them and never fails to try to get his hands on them whenever he has a chance. Now, he has his own shoes! He is very happy and loves going up and down stairs. It's also a good workout for him too! Now, Mummy faces the tough task of bringing him home and taking off his shoes as ZaC has not had enough fun with them!

Friday, February 20, 2009

ZaC's LatEst tOy

ZaC's latest toy is this one which he pushes around. Daddy & Mummy refused to get him a walker as there are reports that stated kids learn to walk later when they use a walker cos they become over-reliant on it. So, ZaC is really happy with this toy which allows him to roam around without an adult's help. But he had a bad bruise on his forehoead the first time he used it as he didn't know how to control his speed. Mummy didn't allow him to play with it until a week later, this time under Mummy's supervision of cos. Mummy was surprised he can even lift it to switch direction and maneuver around furniture (the wheels are fixed and not rotatable) the first time round. He also knows how to control his speed and slow down when he is reaching a dead end. Great job, ZaC!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

oUr LiTtLe cHaMpiOn

ZaC will always be our little champion - in many ways! Here's a set of clothes which Aunty Pauline bought from Thailand for him. Doesn't he look like a basketball player, just like Daddy?!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

He'S nOt a rAt, hE's a mOnkEy!

Look at ZaC! Nobody taught him how to climb over bean bag, which are used to block him from entering "forbidden zones". Mummy only taught him how to descend from high places and he used it here. He knows he can't crawl onto the bean bag as it will collapse due to his weight. He used it to prop himself onto the single seater and descend to the other side.

After this episode, we narrowed the gap and placed the single seater to block him. As he was not tall enough to pro himself onto the single seater, he used his feet to step against the cupboard next to the seater and propped himself up. Wonder what mischief he will be up to next!

Friday, February 13, 2009

EnGagiNg iN spEecH

ZaC has been babbling in his baby language for some time now. His first words are probably "Diddy" and "Ma" but then he don't really know their meaning. He uses "Ma" when he's upset. He's also good at "nagging and complaining". He will be spouting a string of baby language when he's upset cos Daddy & Mummy left him with some unfamiliar relatives during our CNY visits. First he wails for us then once he's been carried over, he will start his "nagging".

Although he can't speak yet, ZaC understands some of the terms used in his everyday life. Eg. When Mummy says water, ZaC knows he will be fed with some water. He will open his mouth to receive the bottle. Some other words he understands are "bye", "biscuit" and "milk". And of cos he understands the meaning of "NO"(which Mummy and Daddy uses constantly) but he chooses to ignore it. When he hears the words "butterfly" and "bumblebee", he will look towards his toys.

Now ZaC knows when he calls out "Diddy", he is referring to Daddy. Recently, Mummy noticed he is making some effort to imitate Mummy's speech. He will attempt to repeat after Mummy, so now Mummy talks to him loudly and slowly, emphasizing the names of things or actions. He said "bao" when Mummy said "bao bao" and gestured to carry him. Keep it up, ZaC!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

nEw hiGh cHaiR

Daddy & Mummy brought a new high chair for ZaC to be placed at 外公's house. It's red in colour (Daddy's fav)! During reunion dinner ZaC couldn't join in and Daddy got to play with him while the rest had dinner. Now ZaC can join in during the fortnightly dinners, and not feel left out!

Monday, February 9, 2009

bOyS pOut tOo!

From frowning, ZaC has developed to pouting. He does it spontaneously or sometimes when he gets scolded for being naughty. How can you still be angry when you see such an adorable face?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

ZaC's fiRst LuNaR nEw yEaR

This year's CNY is extraordinary cos ZaC joined in the celebrations. From having the Reunion Dinner, visiting relatives, Lo Hei, getting Ang Baos to catching the lion dance in action - all these are ZaC's first experience of CNY. He was even not afraid of the lions when Mummy brought him to chase them as they went around the company. He was only startled by the loud drums. ZaC enjoyed every moment of CNY!

1st day of CNY - Visiting 外公 & 外婆

2nd day of CNY - steamboat at my home, leisure gambling session

Daddy's company - 1st day of work ceremony

aGiLe ZaC

ZaC can crawl really fast now. And he walks around the house (with support from all sorts of furniture) with ease. Recently, Mummy brought him to the playground and let him roam around, crawling though the tunnels, and up and down steps. He's only allowed when there are no other kids around to prevent any accidents. At the playground, Mummy taught him how to go down steps using his legs first. Initially, he'll want to go down using his arms first which is dangerous, esp if the step is high. After several attempts, ZaC knows that he should place his legs first before sliding down steps. Mummy was pleasantly surprised when he did it as he was coming down Mummy's bed as well! He knows how to put the new skills he learnt into practise! During CNY, at 大姑's house ZaC also remembered what he was taught.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

WaVinG bYe & cLaPpiNg

It took Mummy a few months to teach Zac how to wave bye and clap his hands. But the effort was worth it cos now ZaC does it when he's asked to. He started to wave bye first. Mummy made sure he had lot's of practise with family members, neighbours and even strangers we meet at the supermarket.
With clapping, Mummy will clap her hands first before taking ZaC's hands and placing them together. But initially whenever Mummy asked ZaC to clap his hands, he will grab Mummy's hands and place them together. Just like how Mummy taught him. After a few months, he can clap his hands on his own. Sometimes he does it when Mummy sings "If you are happy a d you know it you clap your hands". Recently, Mummy taught ZaC to clap whenever Mummy sings the birthday song. This is to prepare him for his 1st brithday celebration, which is approaching soon!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


When Mummy blew some bubbles for ZaC, his eyes lit up with excitement! At first he just watched in amazement as Mummy blew, then he got a little adventurous and decided to try and catch them. He had lot's of fun chasing after the bubbles, with a little help from 小姑 of cos!