Although he can't speak yet, ZaC understands some of the terms used in his everyday life. Eg. When Mummy says water, ZaC knows he will be fed with some water. He will open his mouth to receive the bottle. Some other words he understands are "bye", "biscuit" and "milk". And of cos he understands the meaning of "NO"(which Mummy and Daddy uses constantly) but he chooses to ignore it. When he hears the words "butterfly" and "bumblebee", he will look towards his toys.
Now ZaC knows when he calls out "Diddy", he is referring to Daddy. Recently, Mummy noticed he is making some effort to imitate Mummy's speech. He will attempt to repeat after Mummy, so now Mummy talks to him loudly and slowly, emphasizing the names of things or actions. He said "bao" when Mummy said "bao bao" and gestured to carry him. Keep it up, ZaC!
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