ZaC speaks in longer sentences now but always uses "You" instead of "I" as he copies what Daddy & Mummy says. Now when he says "Daddy please help you pack up.", Daddy will say, " ZaC, you said it wrongly." ZaC will correct himself, "Daddy please help me pack up."
Mummy hopes he can build up his vocabulary with the different library books and start conversing more in Mandarin (now he sounds like an ang moh speaking Mandarin). Introduction and art & crafts is also in the pipeline.
ZaC has started to ask to self-feed but he usually eats a few mouthfuls and will reject the rest. When he is fed, he eats a lot more esp. when he is also distracted with toys or books. Mummy is apprehensive in allowing him to self feed as his intake will decrease but it is also an important step towards self independence for little ZaC.
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