Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, June 9, 2008

3rd mOntH Stats

Zac went to the polyclinic to get his 2nd dose of jab on 2nd June. Zac was really brave and didn't cry when the nurse gave him the jab. Mummy & Daddy are so proud of him! Zac is growing up tall and strong like Daddy.

Update on Zac:
Weight: 6.75kg (75 percentile)
Height: 65cm (90 percentile)
Head Circumference: 40.5 (75 percentile)

Then Zac went to collect his passport. Mummy needed to re-new hers, so she applied one for Zac too. The whole family will visit Uncle Steve in Macau when Zac turns one year old.


Anonymous said...

Uncle stevie will be back soon to see little nephew zac zac

Anonymous said...

yes, and he can flip over for you to see too!