While waiting for Daddy, Mummy decided to bring ZaC window-shopping in a toy store. Mummy introduced the different soft toys to ZaC. There was a monkey, duck, crocodile, frog and many care bears on the shelves. The first one ZaC reached for was a small care bear....in Mummy's favourite colour - GREEN! Gasp! When Daddy came along, he put the bear back on the shelve and walked out of the store, carrying ZaC. Immediately, ZaC started crying. Mummy told Daddy it's ZaC's birthday the next day so he should have something for his birthday. We all went back to the store. Daddy and Mummy tried introducing other soft toys for ZaC but he kept reaching for the care bears. He really loves bears! So, he got to take home a GREEN care bear with him that night. Daddy & Mummy thought his fascination will only last a few minutes but he will look for it when Mummy asks where his bear is. He can also point to its nose and hair when instructed by Mummy.
1 comment:
so he will lov steve too. Stevie is a big care bear.
Short hand, short leg, big head and a big stomach.
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