Our little baby has grown so much over the past 12 months! From being a tiny helpless crying baby to an active, blabbering toddler. Daddy & Mummy are happy to experience each of ZaC's milestones and welcome new ones too! Daddy & Mummy will be with ZaC, through his journey towards independence.

you had your first swim, taste of food, pair of shoes...
you had your head shaved twice...
you know how to throw a tantrum...
you love to make cheeky faces & point at everything...
you survived flu, cough & virus attack...
you can't sit still for long...
you have celebrated your first CNY, Christmas and birthday...
you are waiting to go on your first overseas trip...
you have Daddy & Mummy wrapped around your little finger & will continue to...
What will your second year bring?
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